Oct 11, 2012


By default Teradata database treats first column as Primary Index

What is a B-TEQ in Teradata?.         
It is client s/w that resides on network or channel-attached host.
After starting BTEQ,you can log on to Teradata using a TDPid (Teradata Director Program id) with your user id and password.  The TDPid identifies the instance of TD you are going to access.
Use of BTEQ (Basic Teradata Query program) is to submit SQL queries to Teradata Database. It works like a interface b/w query and TD.

What is Tera Data Explain Command ?.
The Teradata EXPLAIN command can be added to the front of the SQL statement and while execution it gives a detailed analysis for particular statement.
The EXPLAIN command can be used to estimate what are the indexes to be used,how much time a query will take and how many rows a query will be return.
 This command can be used as a useful debug tool to resolve problems with long processing times.

COMPRESS is not a complex data reducing algorithm. It does not reduce repeating characters (or bits), or character (or bit) patterns within rows, columns, blocks or cylinders.
COMPRESS practically eliminates the data storage of nulls (or 256 constant values) for fixed-length, non-primary index columns.

2) Rules for compression:
·  Column must be fixed-length, 255 characters or less, and not part of the primary index.
.  The following types of data can be compressed:Nulls, Zeros, Blanks, Any numeric data type,DATE (expressed as COMPRESS (DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd')),
   CHARACTER(up to 255 characters).
·  The default setting is no compression.
The syntax for the compression attribute is as follows:
            CREATE SET TABLE tbl1,
            ( col1    CHAR(1)  COMPRESS,    /* Compresses nulls */
              col2    CHAR(1)  COMPRESS 'product' )  /* Compresses nulls plus the  
              value 'product' */
            PRIMARY INDEX ...;
The compress column values are case specific. The value "PRODUCT" does not get compressed, if "product" is the specified compression value.
The below are the advantages of data compression in Teradata.
·      Compression results in shorter rows which are generally more performant.
·      Column compression provides the following capacity and performance benefits:
              Reduced capacity
            Reduced I/O traffic
            Moderate CPU savings
·    The I/O savings correlates to the percentage of data compressed out of a row.
·    Table backups use the compressed format, so backups will also be faster.
Disadvantage is It does not compress varchar columns.

Multiload is a Teradata utility that will read a unix file and update (insert, delete, update) a populated target table.
Multiload is faster than Bteq for updating a populated table. Bteq updates 1 row at a time, where Multiload updates blocks of rows at a time.
When Multiload is compared to the Fastload/delete/insert method, then Multiload is faster for volumes above 10,000 records. For volumes less than 10,000 records, the difference is seconds, and is negligible. Multiload is faster whether the target table has a unique primary index, or a non-unique primary index.

The Fastload
Teradata Fastload is a utility which loads records into an empty table using blocks of records and multiple amps. Fastload is composed of 2 phases, the first phase reads the unix records, and writes them to TOS buffers on the amps. The second phase reads the TOS buffers and writes them to a TOS database table.
Fastload/delete/insert method of updating populated target tables consists of 3 steps:
 1) Fastload into a temporary table
 2) Bteq delete matching rows from the target table
 3) Bteq insert into the target table.

Multiload skips the temporary table and directly updates the target table from the unix file.
When loading into an empty target table, both Multiload and Fastload are about the same speed.

Multiload’s speed is not affected by the number of rows already in the target table. The speed is affected by the number of update records, and can be affected by the number of error records written to the error journals.

The following are Teradata Database Versions .

1. Teradata v2r5
2. Teradata v2r6
3. Teradata 12
4. Teradata 13
5. Teradata 13.10
6. Teradata 14

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