Oct 13, 2012

Teradata Perf_Tuning

Teradata Architecture:

The biggest strength of the Teradata is the parallelism. So the architecture of the Teradata is designed in such way to keep this strength in mind.  Teradata is unique from any other database because of its unique architecture only. The main components of Teradata architecture is PE (Parsing Engine), AMP (Access Module Processor) and BYNET.  We look into these components in details after looking the logical view of the architecture.

Whenever a user login to Teradata it actually connect to Parsing Engine (PE). When a user submits a query, then the PE takes action, it creates a plan and instructs AMPs what to do in order to get the result from the query. The PE knows all, it knows how many AMPs are connected to Teradata system, how many rows are in the table and what is the best possible plan to execute the query. This is why the PE is also called as the OPTIMIZER Beside making a perfect plan for query execution PE also make a check on the access right of the user that weather the user has the privilege to execute the query or not. In this way PE also perform security feature on the users.

Access Module Processor (AMP):  Each AMP attached to the Teradata system listens to the PE via the BYNET for instructions. Each AMP is connected to its own disk and has the privilege to read or write the data to its disk. The AMP can be best considered as the computer processor with its own disk attached to it. Whenever it receives the instructions from the PE it fetches the data from its disk and sends it to back to PE through BYNET. Each AMP is allowed to read and write in its own disk ONLY. This is known as the SHARED NOTHING ARCHITECTURE’ Teradata spreads the rows of the table evenly across all the AMPs, when PE asks for data all AMPs work simultaneously and read the records from its own DISK. Hence a query will be as slow as the slowest AMP in the system. This is known as parallelism.

The BYNET is the communication channel between PE and AMP. It ensures that the communication between PE and AMP is correct and on right track. In Teradata system there are always two BYNET systems. They are called as ‘BYNET 0’ and ‘BYNET 1’. But we refer them as a single BYNET system. The reason two BYNET exist on a Teradata system is that
1.    If one BYNET fails, the second BYNET takes over it place.
2.    Two BYNET improve the performance of the system, the PE and AMP can talk to each other over both BYNET which fasten the communication.

Short Summary:

The PE checks the syntax of the query, check the user security rights
Then PE comes up with the best optimized plan for the execution of the query
The PE passes this plan through BYNET to AMPs.
The AMPs follow the plan and retrieve the data from its DISK.
Then AMPs passes the data to PE through BYNET.
The PE then passes the data to the user.

Primary Index in Teradata:
Each table in Teradata is required to have a primary index. Even if you did not define any primary index in CREATE table statement, the Teradata system will automatically takes very first column of the table as the primary index. The primary index defines where data will reside and which AMP receives the row.
The three most important roles the primary index does is the following
Data Distribution
Fastest way to retrieve Data
Incredibly important for Joins
In short primary index provides the fastest physical path to retrieving data

Unique Primary Index (UPI)
A unique primary index means that the value for the selected column must be unique
In the example below the EMP_ID is UniquePI

A unique primary index (UPI) will always spread the rows of the table evenly amongst the AMPs

Non unique primary index means that the value for the selected column can be non unique. 
In the example below the LAST_NAME is the Non Unique Primary Index.

A NUPI will almost never spread the rows of the table evenly among the AMP’s.

Key Point - Don’t assume that UPI is always the BEST CHOICE; sometimes the use of NUPI is very critical. If you need to perform lot of query with LAST_NAME in the WHERE clause then NUPI on last name is essential

The primary index is the key to determine where the ROW of the table will reside on which AMP.

When a new row arrive for insert in Teradata the following steps occur

Teradata Parsing Engine (PE) examines the primary index of the row.
Teradata takes the primary index of the rows and run it through HASHING ALGORITHM
The output of the Hashing Algorithm is the 32 bit Row – Hash value

COLLECT STATS is one on the most useful utility in Teradata. It helps Parsing Engine (PE) to make an effective plan to execute query, so that less resource are utilized and performance is improvised.
But there is a serious confusion between doing COLLECT STATS on column level or table level.
A thumb rule is to collect statistics when they changed by 10%. (That would be 10% more rows inserted, or 10% of the rows deleted, or 10% of the rows changed, or some combination.)
Here i like to explain the difference between both the scenarios with appropriate example.

Suppose we have a table and we want to collect statistics on 4 columns. We can do this by the below mentioned query
Collect stats on TABLE_NAME column (COL1);
Collect stats on TABLE_NAME column (COL2);
Collect stats on TABLE_NAME column (COL3);
Collect stats on TABLE_NAME column (COL4);
The other way of defining COLLECT STATS on the same table is
Collect stats on TABLE_NAME;
The second query is collecting stats on table level. Both the approach will do the same thing, but we cannot directly collect stats on table level. If you are collecting STATS on table level, then the STATS must already be defined on the above mentioned 4 columns of the table. This can be done at the time of creation of table. If we are not defining the STATS for the columns earlier, then our COLLECT STATS on table level will give an error message. Collect stats on table can only be used on a table which has stats defined on it, on any no. of columns for that be. Once stats are defined on the columns you can you use collect stats on table for refresh the stats for all the defined columns. If you use collect stats on TABLE_NAME column (COL1) it will refresh the stats on the mentioned column (COL1) only.

Pros & Cons:
We can say that COLLECT STATS on table level is just the shortcut of collecting stats on all the columns on whom we have already defined stats. It saves the overhead of writing COLLECT STATS query on each column, each time we want to gather statistics. In our case there are only 4 columns whose statistics we want, but suppose in a huge table if there are more than 10-20 columns which are required for COLLECT STATS, then our COLLECT STATS on table level saves us a lot of typing time. Its good practice to perform collect stats on the columns of even an empty table, when data is loaded into the table collect stats on table can be used to collect all the statistics without having to collect statistics on the individual columns.
But from a DBA point of view it’s always wise to collect stats on column level. Because if we are doing collect stats on TABLE level then stats are not committed on any column until all stats are collected. Since collecting stats required resources, so if you have huge data table then it might take a long time. If you need to free the resource then you have to abort the whole process, and no stats will be collected on any column. On the other hand if your are doing it on COLUMN level, and killed the process in between then at least we have stats collected on columns which are already done before killing the script. And we can again start from that column where we left.

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